Rights of Animals in Islam

by November 11, 2013 0 comments
The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said:

"Fear Allah in the way you treat animals"

• The mercy of Islam extends beyond human beings to all living creations of God.
• Islam prohibits cruelty to animals.
• “A person said to the Prophet, “Verily I slaughter a sheep and show mercy to it.” The Prophet (Peace be       upon him) replied,

                  “If you show mercy to a sheep, Allah will show double the mercy on you.”

• Islam laid down humane slaughtering regulations.
• Islam insists that the manner of slaughter should be that which is least painful to the animal.
• Islam requires that the slaughtering instrument not be sharpened in front of the animal.
• Islam also prohibits the slaughtering of one animal in front of another.

Rights of Animals

  • First, Islam requires that pets or farm animals be provided with proper food, water, and a place to live. Once the Prophet (Peace be upon him) passed by an emaciated camel due to hunger, he said: “Fear God in regards to these animals who can’t speak their will. If you ride them, treat them accordingly (by making them strong and fit for that), and if you [plan to] eat them, treat them accordingly (by making them fat and healthy).”
  • Second, an animal should not be beaten or tortured. Making animals fight one another for entertainment was also forbidden by the Prophet (Peace be upon him).
  • Third, Islam forbids using animals or birds for targets when practicing shooting. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: “‘Whoever kills a bird or anything else without its due right, God would ask him about it.’ It was said: ‘O Messenger of God! What is its due right?’ He said: ‘To kill it for food…and do not sever its head, and throw it!’”
  • Fourth, separating nestling birds from their mothers is not allowed in Islam.
  • Fifth, it is forbidden to mutilate an animal by cutting off its ears, tails or other body parts without just reason.
  • Sixth, a sick animal under one’s care should be treated properly.



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