Ramadan 2014: Some Do’s and Don’t’s

by July 18, 2014 0 comments
Bismillah-hir Rahman-nir Raheem (in the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful)
DO…make intention before the start of each fast.This is obligatory
DO…take suhoor (the meal before fasting starts). The difference between the fast of a Muslim and the fast of others is the taking of suhoor (from Muslim)This is recommended
DO…delay the suhoor to as close to Fajr as possible.This is recommended
DO…hasten to break the fast at Maghrib timeThis is recommended
DO…try to break your fast with dates, as this is a sunnah. If dates aren’t available, break your fast with waterThis is recommended
DO…make a dua at the time of breaking the fast, eg. ‘O Allah, for you I have fasted and on Your Provision I have broken the fast’ [Abu Dawud]‘The thirst is gone, the veins are moisten and the reward is certain, insha’Allah’ [Au Dawud]‘Indeed there is for the fasting person, when he breaks his fast, a supplication which is not rejected.’ [Ibn Majah, al-Hakim]This is recommended
DO…Use a miswak during fasting, as this is sunnahThis is recommended
DO…Exercise patience
DO…Ask Allah for His Mercy and Forgiveness
DO…Engage in Islamic acts of worship and good, eg. Give in charity, be good to your neighbour, show good character
DO…Read the Qur’anThe Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: ‘The best among you is he who learns the Holy Qur’an and teaches it.’From Bukhari & Muslim
DO…Increase your Islamic knowledge
DO…Get rid of any innovated practices from your habits
DO…Make dua to Allah frequently during the day and night
DO…Be generous‘The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) was the most generous of men and he was the most generous during Ramadan when Jibreel would visit him every night and recite the Holy Qur’an to him.’From Bukhari & Muslim
DO…Provide something to a person who is fasting, to break his fast‘He who provides something to the observer of fast for breaking the fast earns the same reward as the one who observes the fast, without diminishing.’From Ahmad & Tirmidhi
DO…Pray the night prayer
DO…Practice I’tikaf (seclusion in the masjid) in the last 10 days of RamadanAishah (ra) reported that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) used to perform I’tikaf during the last ten days of Ramadan until Allah the Mighty and Majestic, took away his life, then his wives  followed this practice after him.’From Bukhari & Muuslim
DO…Seek Laylatul Qadr in the last 10 days of Ramadan
DO…Give your Zakat-ul-Fitr before EidThis is obligatory
DON’T…Deliberately eat anything during the fast, unless you are not physically able to complete the fast . You are forgiven if you have forgotten you were fastingThis breaks the fast
DON’T…Deliberately drink anything during the fast, unless you are not physically able to complete the fast. You are forgiven if you have forgotten you were fastingThis breaks the fast
DON’T…Deliberatley engage in sexual intercourse during the fast. You are forgiven if you have forgotten you were fastingThis breaks the fast
DON’T…lieFrom Bukhari & Muslim
DON’T…SlanderFrom Bukhari & Muslim
DON’T…BackbiteFrom Bukhari & Muslim
DON’T…Swear or use other bad languageFrom Bukhari & Muslim
DON’T…Raise your voice or argueFrom Bukhari & Muslim
DON’T…Engage in indecent actionsFrom Bukhari
DON’T…Forget that if you are travelling, you have the option to not fast and make up for that fast later on.Aisha reported that Hamzah Ibn Amr Al-Aslamee (ra) asked: ‘O Messenger of Allah (pbuh) I am a person who fasts often, so should I fast while travelling?’ Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) replied, ‘Fast if you wish and refrain from fasting if you wish.’From Bukhari & Muslim
DON’T…Fast if you are on your menstrual cycle (women). You must make up for this fast later
DON’T…Deliberately make yourself vomitThis breaks the fast
DON’T…Take injections  or drugs that are used instead of foodThis breaks the fast
DON’T…Delay breaking your fast
DON’T…Smoke or take drugs
DON’T…Worry about the following:
  • swallowing saliva,
  • putting on perfume,
  • gargling water in your mouth and nose for things like cleaning and wudhu,
  • putting eye drops in your eyes
  • putting kohl on eyelashes
  • having a bath/shower
  • tasting food whilst cooking (as long as nothing goes down the throat)
  • bleeding (unless it is menstrual)
These acts do not break the fast
DON’T…Fast on Eid
DON’T…Forget that if you are very ill, you are excused from fasting and can make up the fast later or give fidyah (a compensation to feed people)
DON’T…Forget that if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you do not need to fast, although you can if you feel able to and it won’t harm the baby.
DON’T…Worry, it is not a sin to not perform taraweeh. However, praying is of great benefit



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